SLBFE Ahu Wennaepa W 1400 H 80 Gif Animation 10sec

SLBFE Ahu Wennaepa W 1400 H 80 Gif Animation 10sec

The hate campaign against President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was largely carried out by the media mafias in this country and their hired writers.

Their irresponsible and continuous supply of baseless provocations using their multitude of mainstream and social media channels created a mass hysteria in Sri Lanka. They amplified “hatred” to create the so-called “Aragalaya” which not only failed so miserably but also dragged the whole country down with it.


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The forces at home and abroad who started the Aragalaya did not want to send Mahinda or Gotabaya home. They wanted to see the definitive Sinhala Bauddha leadership assassinated by the barbaric savages who they called the “Aragalakarayas”. Let us not forget the live streams of the blood-thirsty Aragalakarayas as they surrounded the Prime Minister's official residence on the 9th of May 2022 and screamed in a lunatic fit for the death of Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa. Let us not forget how those savages stormed the President's official residence and frantically searched the premises like a pack of hyenas to murder Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa on the 9th of July 2022. Another indelible blood stain in the history of Sri Lanka.


It is clear to us that the aim of the masterminds of the Aragalaya was to create another human tragedy like the atrocious 1988-89, or possibly even worse. Let us not forget how the members of one political party, the SLPP were systematically oppressed by burning down their houses, business places, and vehicles, all at once across the country. What was to come next in that political witch hunt were the bodies burning on piles of tires along the roads and more floating down the rivers. But Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the man who magnanimously saved the people of this country twice, managed to prevent such a catastrophe through his kindness, patience and foresight.


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At a time when the flames of hatred are being extinguished, it seems that the anti-Sinhala anti-Bauddha media campaign has kick-started again. A substandard journalist who used to praise the Rajapaksas once upon a time, but has since gotten to another man’s bed for her career prospects had written and published a despicable hate piece questioning Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s pension. The same smoke-and-mirror tabloid has again questioned the official residence assigned to Mr Rajapaksa. The family-owned tabloid has once again started to sow hatred among their little pseudo-aristocratic society. Tourists are returning to Sri Lanka thanks to peace and security in the country. The country's economy which was bankrupted by the Aragalaya is slowly recovering. Are these media mafias trying to destabilise the country once again?


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These juvenile writers should be reminded that you and your family members have been able to live a comfortable and safe life today all thanks to Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa. You and your arrogant English-speaking mediocre society ought to remember that you are so able to write those hateful articles against Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa only because he ended the brutal terrorism in this country which lasted for thirty long years. Remember that you are hating your Saviour. It is precisely because of this type of hateful targeting and passive suggestion of violence against his life, that the state must assure the utmost safety and absolute security to Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa.


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These tabloids have no ethics. Their gossip writers have no morality. All they do is provide fodder to their anti-Sinhala anti-Bauddha readership. Their so-called journos have no investigative reporting skills. All they do is use irrational populist slogans, targeting individual political opponents and provoke the public towards violence and anarchy, just so that they get another juicy piece of rotting meat to publish on their mediocre paper. You need to hold your Daily Mirror to yourself and take a good look at your ugliness.


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As awaken citizens, we need to push back on this mass manipulation and remind the corrupt and politicised media houses of their social responsibility and democratic obligations. May the Dharma Guide Your Way!


@Eranda Ginige

2023 June 9


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